Upon arriving back to our site a few days into the new year, we set about trying to find out what we will be teaching this coming school term, since we still didn't know. I finally found out a couple days ago what I'm going to be teaching -- 11th grade English. So not any chemistry [original assignment when accepted into PC] or math! Okay. Interesting. Typical Mozambique. But considering how well even the English teachers here speak English (or don't speak it, I should say), it's probably not bad to have native speakers teaching the upper grades. My roommate, who was actually sent here to teach English originally, will be teaching 12th grade. That's an exam year, so she has a bit more pressure than I do. Whew. So now I have exactly one week to prepare before classes start. Awesome. And also very typical for Mozambique. But hey, I'll be teaching almost entirely in English, so now I'm a little less nervous. Now I just have to worry about managing my class and the fact that some of my students will be my age or older. No problem, right?
Also, today was the day. I cut all my hair off. Well, nearly all of it. A picture is attached, and I LOVE IT. It is SO much cooler and easier to deal with. Plus, I think it looks decent considering my roommate did it with some regular scissors... haha. I'm so glad I decided to do it. I've wanted to cut it off for awhile now and really, if I don't do it here I never will. Let me know what you think.
Anyway, I have to spend the next week working on my lesson plans. Some of the topics are kind of ridiculous, like a unit on the coconut tree and its importance in local culture and trade. Okay. But some are actually super exciting like the unit on democracy and another on politics and elections. Those should be amazing to teach. I'm going to be getting a copy of the syllabus on Friday, though I saw one for a minute yesterday. I think the first week will mostly be review and getting to know my class, especially because a lot of the students don't show up the first couple weeks, for whatever reason.
Well I'm off to bed now, and tomorrow have to start planning my lessons. Wish me luck!
Miss you all!
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